From tender to contract
FMV procures both goods and services. The procurements are often in the technology area and for the long-term. Weapon systems, such as aircrafts, ships or tanks, are developed in stages over several years.
Acquisition work includes studies of various options, analyses, planning, design, construction and monitoring. We also procure a large amount of services by qualified consultants.
The procured goods are used in defence training, exercise and maintenance activities, or placed in storage to be used in a crisis or war. Some equipment is also used in the Swedish Armed Forces' peacekeeping operations in the context of Sweden's involvement in international collaborations.
Procurements, intended not only for defense purposes, and that exceeds an official threshold of 1,234,000 SEK, are advertised in the EU’s Official Journal
Since FMV is a public procurement authority, there are rules and principles that FMV has to follow. The main framework is the Public Procurement Act (LOU) that applies to all public organisations. FMV also complies with the law for the procurement of defence and security (LUFS).
The basic principles of both laws are a businesslike approach, competition and objectivity. The framework also includes rules about procurement, tendering, confidentiality, bid opening, the qualification of tenderers and the award of contracts, etc. FMV shall also check that a new supplier is registered for VAT and does not have tax liabilities.
FMV also signs general agreements with suppliers for the Swedish Armed Forces and other governmental authorities.
You can, free of charge, register with Kommers Annons. By downloading the enquiry documents, you will automatically receive announcements concerning any changes or clarifications to the enquiry documents, as well as questions and answers or cancellations.
As a potential bidder, you are responsible for regularly checking whether there has been any changes or clarifications of the enquiry documents, cancellations or questions and answers.
FMV are only responsible for the accuracy and details in the documents published on Kommers Annons.
These General Terms and Conditions are applied by the FMV when referred to. You may have been directed to this website, where you will find the General Terms and Conditions.
The reference to the General Terms and Conditions may be found in an advertisement, in an agreement (contract), in the contract documents or in a purchase order and is always made to a version number, say General Terms and Conditions 16:2. Hence, an older contract may refer to an older version and a new contract may refer to the most recent version, so pay attention to the version number.
Terms for goods are found in General Terms and Conditions for Goods and terms for services are found in General Terms and Conditions for Services.
Kommers Annons - database for procurements and agreements
The Swedish Competition Agency
TED (Tenders Electronic Daily)
Conflicts of interest, secondary employment, kickbacks and bribery
Both in business and management there are reasons to discuss concepts such as ethics, business morals, customer-supplier relationships etc.
This is especially true for FMV, whose employees represent an authority that is extensively involved in the procurement of goods and services at very high monetary levels.
Social responsibility
FMV takes certain basic rights of employees into account when procuring.
The supplier shall in performance of work for delivery, comply with their national legislation in terms of working and employment conditions for their employees. Such working and employment conditions must at a minimum comply with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions.
RFI is a way for FMV to gather information about which products and services the market can offer.
The RFI allows us to obtain information about potential solutions in several different areas. RFI may result in a development of complete specifications.
RFI is a type of market research where suppliers have the opportunity to describe their services and/or products. FMV has no obligation to implement a contract in connection with an RFI.
Current Request for information - RFI
Current Request for information - RFI FMV's current Request for Information - RFI are published on Kommers Annons. Start up a session on Kommers Annons and search for "FMV" and "RFI".
Note that different shipping instructions apply depending on whether the Contracting Authority in the delivery contract is FMV or the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF).
If SwAF is the Contracting Authority, please contact the following for shipping instructions before delivery:
If FMV is the Contracting Authority, the following applies:
Transport information
In those cases shipments contain sensitive materiel, such as: weapon, ammunition, explosives and/or classified cargo. Before shipping please contact for further instructions.
January 2020
General: In addition to the Special Terms and Conditions of the purchase order and the General Terms and Conditions added to the purchase order, the following shipping instructions shall apply.
Shipping: Försvarets Materielverk's forwarding agent in the U.S.Contact
JAS Forwarding USA Inc
Ph# 703-421-2111
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Attach the following documents to the outside of the cartons. Commercial Invoices indicating price or value in triplicate
Consign to:
JAS Forwarding USA Inc
Attn: Swedish FMV
23700 Pebble Run Place, Suite 100
Sterling, VA 20166
- Indicate the appropriate H.S. Tariff Classification (Schedule B #) and export clearance symbol (DDTC).
- Insurance or Value for Carriage not required
- Signed FAA Shipper´s Security Endorsement Form
- State Dept Licenses (if applicable) exporting against.
- Commercial Invoices indicating price or value in triplicate.
- Hazardous Material Details if Applicable I.e. UN #, Proper Shipping Name, Class and Packing Group (MSDS if available)
The original invoice, in triplicate, shall be sent to FMV including po/tracking# to JAS Forwarding confirming prove of transport. Each invoice must cover goods against one or part of one order only.
Markings: All packages as well as shipping documents and invoices must be marked with the FMV PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER & License (Case) Number.
Packing: Special attention must be paid to packaging to fit mode of conveyance.
Claim: FMV reserves the right to file claim for defective or missing goods.
Instructions – Terms & Shipping Försvarets materielverk
General: In addition to the special terms and conditions of the purchase order and the General Terms added to the purchase order, the present shipping instructions shall apply.
Any extra cost assumed by FMV as a consequence of seller's deviation from the shipping instructions will be deducted from the invoice amount.
Shipping: Contact FMV shipping department as below in order to receive pick up instructions. Please enclose packing note/delivery note, export license if applicable, dangerous goods declaration, or any additional/essential docments for shipping. E-mail
Export license: To be obtained by supplier.
Marking: All packages as well as shipping documents and invoices must be marked with FMV purchase order number.
Insurance: Cargo insurance should not be initiated by seller.
Claim: FMV reserves the right to file claim for defective or missing goods.
Documents: A priced invoice must be attached to the outside of the shipping container, as well as a copy to our agent. The original invoice in triplicate shall be sent to FMV together with proof of delivery, and EUR certificate if applicable. Each invoice must cover goods against one or part of one order only.
Delivery Notes
Telefon: +46 8 782 40 00
Publicerad: 2020-03-05