KOM söker oberoende experter
Europeiska kommissionen (KOM) söker oberoende experter som stöd till utvärderingar av EDF-ansökningar fram till och med projektutlysningar för 2027.
Vänligen se här för mer information. För att godkännas som expert krävs en Personnel Security Clearance, PSC, utfärdat av nationell säkerhetsmyndighet. Om utvald expert saknar PSC, initieras en process för utfärdande av detta mellan KOM och berörd (svensk) nationell säkerhetsmyndighet.
Såvida KOM i sin bekräftelse av er ansökan som utvärderare skickar nedan meddelande (1), bör nedan standardsvar (2) skickas av utvärderaren i retur till KOM.
- As indicated in the call for experts published on our website, “In order to be selected, experts need to be in the possession of a valid personal security clearance (PSC)issued by the relevant Member State(s) authorities before the submission of the expression of interest.” The call specifies that “Expressions of interest without indication of the possession of the PSC, will be rejected”.
- According to our national legislation, the Swedish Protective and Security Act (2018:585) 14§ a security clearance cannot be issued in beforehand. It is only possible once the candidate has been selected for the position. In order to make sure that the application of the candidate gets equal and fair consideration and not get miss credited during the process, the Swedish National Security Authority assures that, upon selection the candidate will be put into our vetting scheme in order to obtain relevant security clearance. If you select the candidate to become an expert we need to know this as soon as possible so we can start the vetting process that takes four to eight weeks after SWE NSA has received all necessary documentations.
E-post: edf@fmv.se
Publicerad: 2023-12-22